Images provided by Colin Morris

Images provided by Colin Morris

Welcome to Sweet Pea’s Studio.

Sweet Pea’s Studio is the Primary Practice of Owner, Jenny Barron Fishman, but it is also the Space itself, which is home to many independent wellness practitioners.

At Sweet Pea’s we provide support for all…regardless of size, age, experience with yoga, race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Sweet Pea’s is a safe haven for all.

Here’s the back story…

When Jenny BarronFishman opened Sweet Pea’s Studio in 2002, it was one of just a few Yoga Studios open at that time. Jenny’s massage therapy practice and Yoga Services were becoming more and more specialized, working with Pregnancy and Birth, so Sweet Pea’s was to be a Family Yoga Center. It was a full service Yoga Studio as well, with many teachers and class options, but the specialized focus of her work became the heart of the Studio…The Pregnancy Year. Throughout those early years, Jenny moved through both of her pregnancies and birth experiences, enjoying the duel role of owner and client, creating and participating in all of the wonderful offerings. Within the loving Community that she created, Jenny was also raising her kids and they were often the “props” in a Baby Yoga class, or the reason many classes were sought out and offered. Sweet Pea’s became a welcoming place for Parenting Gatherings and Special Classes. Attachment Parenting Groups, Babywearing and Breastfeeding Support, Pelvic Floor and Mama Spa Playdates could be found on the schedule along side weekly Hatha Yoga classes. Running a full schedule Yoga Studio, managing teachers, providing therapeutic services, teaching classes, offering Teacher Trainings and raising two kids all became too much in 2008 when Jenny’s Mother passed away. For a time, Sweet Pea’s Studio was shut down.

As is often the case with the spiral of life, things shifted again, and the opportunity to take back over the Studio Space presented itself a couple of years later. Jenny decided to reopen Sweet Pea’s. By this time, the popularity of Yoga had grown. In fact, there were “chain” Yoga Studios popping up on many corners throughout Chicago. Aware that her energy and focus had shifted, Jenny decided to move away from the Full Service Studio model and focus again on her individual specialties and offerings. However, the need for many of the services that Sweet Pea’s provided had not diminished, so Jenny gathered, and continues to gather, a community of Partner Providers to share space with. These wonderful experts in their fields offer their services at the Studio, but maintain their own autonomy. This is why today you will find a small, specialized listing of weekly classes and workshops, primarily taught by Jenny, as well as some offerings by Partner Providers. SPS Classes and Workshops are managed directly by Jenny and her Sweet Pea’s Studio Staff. Partner Providers, however, manage their own offerings, collect reservations and payments and all in depth questions and concerns should be directed to them.

If there is a central lesson that Jenny continues to learn throughout her amazing journey, it’s that to fully love your life’s work, you must first fully and whole heartedly LOVE LIFE! Then the love of life becomes your life’s work!

Jenny Barron Fishman

Jenny Barron Fishman

Jenny Barron Fishman, Founder, Lead Instructor, Director of Therapeutic Services.

Jenny offers Massage and Craniosacral Balancing, teaches Prenatal Yoga, Baby and Me and Busy Baby Yoga, Birth Wisdom Childbirth Education, Comfort Measures, Breastfeeding Basics, and Infant Massage Workshops. She offers Wise Women Workshops, and Pre and Postnatal Yoga Teacher Trainings.

Jenny and Family

Jenny and Family